The supervisor treats all employees fairly and with respect |
Management is consistent when administering policies concerning employees |
I respect the leaders of this organization
Management leads by example |
I respect my supervisor as a competent professional |
I am confident that the leaders of this organization know what they're doing |
Management demonstrates strong leadership skills |
My supervisor(s) treat me with respect |
My supervisor(s) listen to what I have to say and value my opinion |
My supervisor and/or the organization I work for values my talents and contributions I make to the organization |
Job satisfaction is a priority for management
Management is genuinely interested in employee opinions and ideas |
Is information and knowledge shared openly within this organization |
Is communication encouraged in this organization |
My supervisor does a good job with sharing information |
Senior management communicates well with the rest of the organization |
I can disagree with my supervisor without fear of being written up, suspended or terminated |
I am comfortable sharing my opinions at work |
Do you feel that information is relayed to you in a timely manner |
Is your workplace safe |
I have adequate opportunities for professional growth within Paradigm, Inc. |
My supervisor is actively interested in my professional development and advancement |
My work is challenging, stimulating and rewarding |
This organization supports a balance between work and personal life |
The organization's policies for promotions and/or advancement are fair |
Favoritism is not an issue concerning promotions |
The organization I work for respects all of its employees |
Teamwork and cooperation is strongly encouraged in this organization |
I have the resources I need to do my job well |
Are you satisfied with this organization's open door policy |
Do you feel that this organization respects your rights as an employee |
I received adequate training to complete my job appropriately |
I am encouraged to learn from my mistakes |
The amount of work I am asked to complete is reasonable |
Poor performance is effectively addressed throughout the organization |
Management is held accountable for achieving results |
The organization I work for has high performance standards |
Employees are held accountable for the quality of work they produce |
Employees are held accountable for achieving results and meeting expectations |
I am given adequate feedback about my performance |
Performance evaluations are fair and appropriate |
My supervisor gives me praise and recognition when I do a good job |
I receive useful and constructive feedback from my supervisor |
I am paid fairly for the amount of work I do |
Overall, How satisfied are you with Paradigm as your employer? |
What areas as an employee are you most satisfied with? |
What areas as an employee are you least satisfied with? |